The Life Balance Membership

More Joy. Less Stress.

Join the Waitlist Now

The elusive life balance. Is it even attainable? Whether you decide to dub it life balance, work-life balance, work-life integration or work-life harmony, the jist of it is all the same.

I’m Ruth de Gannes, a serial entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of One Life Inc. I help entrepreneurs and wellness enthusiasts gain the skills needed to navigate life’s challenges and embrace a positive, energized future.

If you understand the struggle of trying to fit it all in- your work, your home, your family and your health... you are not alone. The juggling act is real, and it can be stressful, overwhelming, frustrating and can easily lead to hopelessness and burnout.  If it's one thing we've learned, it's that the quality of our lives is not based on any ONE thing. It is a combination and a balance of a few key areas.

What good is our wealth if we don't have the health to enjoy it?

Does good health make up for miserable relationships?

How well can we provide for our loved ones if we lack basic wealth?

By tapping into the expertise of various professionals, our life balance membership focuses on providing the life skills needed to enrich your life through education, collaboration and community.

So, why should this matter to you? 

Here's the truth, we have One Life to live! And many of us are living it kind of sub par to lives we really want to be living. Many of us feel like we are on this hamster wheel of life, hustling, juggling, just trying to get it all done. On top of that, we struggle to find the time and energy to do the things we really want to do, like spend more time vacationing or with our loved ones. Often, we are stressed, dealing with low mood and know that we need to take better care of ourselves, or else. Or else what? Or else our health will suffer, our relationships will suffer, our work will suffer. Oftentimes, we feel overwhelmed and guilty for being so busy, and we really would like just a little (or a lot) more time for ourselves and the things that bring us joy. More joy. Less stress. Is that really too much to ask?

Don't just take my word for it...

Joanna R.

She helped me develop practical coping strategies and provided me with tools to navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence. I can confidently say that I am a better, happier, and more self-aware person thanks to Ruth's empathy, expertise and support.

Sade E.

Working through the Life Balance Journey not only helped me build stepping stones towards my goals but it gave me a greater understanding of myself. As I move through the different life stages, I feel more certain and motivated to take the necessary steps to do the work needed to achieve my goals.

Tamara M.

I was in a place where I truly needed someone to help pull me out of a dark place and [Ruth's] teaching has helped heal me in record time. I recommend her to anyone who thinks they may have lost their way, or needs help with time management etc. She's truly one of the best!

Joanne S.

Ruth is a truly gifted person with her peaceful, genuine caring , loving and simple soul. I am so grateful for the gift that she is and her methodologies. I can't wait to continue our journey together. Blessings love and light.

Ann T. 

Due to Ruth's guidance, understanding, gentle and  knowledgeable persuasion I have achieved the object that I needed.  A side benefit is that I am more conscious of different aspects of my life.

How the Life Balance Membership started... 

I was a teen mom and entrepreneur that got thrown into the game really early. I struggled to juggle our home, our businesses and being a wife and mother. I did what I thought successful entrepreneurs and independent women did, and stuck that symbolic superhero "S" on my chest and got to work...doing everything myself. And can you guess what happened? I quickly burned out and ended up suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and a lifestyle health condition for the next few years. Life balance was my greatest challenge. I was overworked, unhealthy and went through cycles of guilt and overwhelm. 


I spent the next 2 decades learning all I could.  I studied, did courses, read books, sought out mentors, to put together the pieces of how to make this all work. To be honest, it took a lot of time- well decades really, and I realized along the way, that many other people were struggling with the same thing. After years of trial and error, I became passionate about turning my mess into message. I became passionate about helping others learn the tools and strategies to guide them on their own life balance journey, and get them results faster and easier than I did. And so, our Life Balance Membership was born- a place for us to learn, collaborate and have the support of a dynamic community while on this journey.

The good news is...

...there is hope. And there are strategies that people have used to get results easier, better and faster. Results that bring a sense of calm, clarity and balance. A feeling of having enough time, energy and the confidence in knowing you have the life skills needed to navigate your life's journey. I know sometimes it may seem like there are a million things to balance, but the truth is, there are only a few key areas, and a few key life skills needed on this journey, and if we are intentional and consistent with the little steps we take, we can start to see great results from our action. Have a sneak peak below at our Life Balance Success  Journey, the aerial view of our membership that is made up of the cumulative knowledge of various professionals and experts.

Join the Waitlist Now

Here's the inside scoop on what you will receive inside our membership.

Once you sign up for your Life Balance membership, at our next membership launch you will get immediate access to the valuable content offered inside our online community. We have cultivated a range of key resources that support the holistic approach to building a life of More Joy. Less Stress; including some fast action items to get you quick results and new material added every month to guide you in your transformative journey.

  • Masterclasses- classes and interviews on the different areas of life balance. Learn strategies from the pros to fast track your results.
  • Q & A's- your questions answered by our team of experts. Get the insider info to make your life balance journey easier, better and faster.
  • Resources, Tools and Templates to help you save time, money and energy. Boost your productivity, manage your time, design your life, set your goals, build your confidence and your arsenal of life skills to help you survive and thrive.
  • Community- opportunities to connect and collaborate with like minded, growth minded members in our community. A priceless way to receive the support and feedback we all need on our journey.
  • A membership team that wants to listen to what our members need and create ways  to serve you!

The price you've all been waiting for 😊

Have you ever wished you had a team of top professionals to help in the many areas of life? How many times have we had to "shop around" to find a reliable professional that is well suited to us? Or how many times have we needed a professional and couldn't get access to one? 

What if you could gain access to a wide range of professionals through one program? What if, instead, for a fraction of the cost, you could be offered advice and key strategies, normally reserved for premium one on one sessions, from these various experts all in one trusted space? This is what you will receive in your Life Balance membership!

In addition to all the other tools, templates and resources we have in store for you, we also have some incredible bonuses ;)  

We've added what it would cost per month to visit just some of the professionals you will find in our Life Balance Membership…. 

…and came up with a figure of almost $3000 per month 😱

*all prices are in USD

Our Life Balance Membership is set at $30/month (an excellent value for a wide range of professional advice!), BUT right now we are making a SPECIAL OFFER for a limited time. If you join the waitlist now, at our next launch you will have the opportunity to enroll in our membership for a guaranteed price of $9.99/month for LIFE. This means that no matter what the price of the membership goes up to, once you maintain your subscription, you will get this price FOREVER!

This is our way of celebrating those brave enough to take the next step!

Help yourself and help others at the same time!

At its core, our community is focused on helping people.

In keeping with this principle, we have established a program that will donate meals to those in need around the world for every new member enrolled.

This way, we are able to help ourselves and help others at the same time! Sounds like a WIN-WIN to me :)

What you can expect

A rewarding journey of small, actionable steps. Like most things in life, what you put in is what you'll get out. Say goodbye to the helpless feelings of stress, burnout and overwhelm, and say hello to the confidence and capabilities in knowing how to navigate your life.

Imagine finally feeling less pushed and pulled by life and experiencing a life of More Joy and Less Stress.  Get on the waitlist now, so we can see you on the inside soon!

Join the Waitlist Now